I have been involved in writing centers in multiple capacities, including working as a tutor, research assistant, business credential coordinator, and assistant director. Currently, in addition to my teaching assignment, I work as the assistant director of Communications across the Curriculum at WVU.
Assistant Director, Communication across the Curriculum, English Dpt., WVU, August 2023-Present.
- Reviewing courses and programs for SpeakWrite certification.
- Managing the Writing Appalachia Contest.
- Assisting with SpeakWrite Advisory Board meetings.
- Scheduling tutors for the Writing Studio.
- Representing thee Writing Studio at events.
- Assisting with workshop requests.
- Developing and presenting writing-related workshops.
- Working with web developers to develop a new website for both SpeakWrite and the Writing Studio.
Assistant Director, Jones White Writing Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), May 2022-May 2023. Responsibilities include
- Developing and facilitating tutor training and instruction on tutoring diverse students, STEM writers, andinternational students.
- Observing and providing one-on-one feedback for tutors.
- Coordinating writing center projects tutors create towards their certification.
- Presenting a variety of workshops to students from different majors, levels, and backgrounds including businessand technical communication and STEM.
- ·Managing WCOnline (scheduling, appointments, staff shifts).
- Co-organizing Writing Center events including the Research Party and National Day on Writing, and Thesis andDissertation Bootcamp.
- Working with a team of tutors and the WC Director to plan and facilitate new Boot Camps.
Business Writing Coordinator, Jones White Writing Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), May 2023-Present. Responsibilities include
- Conducting research with industry leaders and business faculty to understand needs for technical and professionalcommunication.
- Developed a campus-wide Business Writing Credential (non-credit certificate).
- Presenting business-related writing workshops every semester on a biweekly basis.
- Marketing for the program across campus.
- Developing new workshops to meet students’ needs.
Research Assistant, English Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), August 2017-May 2018. Responsibilities included collecting, transcribing, and coding data for a Writing Center 4Cs grant research.
Writing Center Tutor, Jones White Writing Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), August 2019-May 2023.
Professional Certifications
Certified from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA II) as an advanced writing center tutor, December 2021.
Certified from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA I) as an advanced writing center tutor, December 2020.