National and International Conferences
Yacoub, O, Yim, A, & Krasova, A. (June, 2023). Adapting Hybridity Across Writing Centers to Promote Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion. Panel at the Computers and Writing Conference.
Yacoub, O, Rothschild, K & Yim, A. (February, 2023). Inclusive Practices for Fostering Transfer. Panel at Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Chicago IL.
Yacoub, O, Moroz, O, Yim, A, & Martins, M. (2022). One writing center, four tutors: Discussions on transnationalexperiences. International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Driscoll, D and Yacoub, O. (June, 2022). Threshold Genres: A 10-year Exploration of a Medical Writer’s Developmentand Social Apprenticeship through the Patient SOAP Note. The Elon Conference on Engaged Learning. Elon,North Carolina.
Yacoub, O. (March, 2022). E-Learning Success Factors in an ESL Context During the Pandemic. Co-presenter at TESOLConvention. Pittsburg, PA.
Yacoub, O. (April 2021). Building the community online in a writing classroom. Assignment application presented in theTeacher2Teacher section of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). VirtualConference.
Yacoub, O and Yacoub, M . (March, 2021). Teachers’ Flexibility During the Pandemic: A Pedagogical Approach toEmpower Students. Paper presenter with Mohamed Yacoub at Northeast Modern Language Association(NEMLA). Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, M and Yacoub, O. (March, 2021). Student Writers and Digital Audiences.
Paper presenter with Mohamed Yacoub at Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). March 2021. VirtualConference.
Yacoub, O. (April, 2020). International Students’ persistence in first year composition courses. Paper presenter atConference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, O. (January, 2020). To What Extent are Graduate Students’ Methodological Choices Influenced by theirProfessors’ Methodological Preferences? Qualitative Report Conference. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Yacoub, M, Darwish, A, Farag, I, and Yacoub, O. (March, 2019). Integration or Division of Labor: The Impact of FYCProgram Structure on Multilingual Students’ Sense of Belonging, Self- efficacy, and Perception of Curriculum.Panel at Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) by Pittsburgh PA.
Yacoub, O. (March, 2019). The Magic of Facebook for Teachers and Students. Poster presenter at TESOL Convention.Chicago IL. March 2019.
Yacoub, O. (March, 2018). Jokes and the Teaching of Grammar: Jokes and Cultural Competency. Poster presenter atTESOL Convention. Chicago IL.
Yacoub, O. (March, 2018). Do Digital Literacies in Physical and Online Classrooms Differ? Paper presenter at TESOLConvention. Chicago IL.
Regional Conferences
Yacoub, O. (November, 2021). Helping Multilingual Students Co-Construct a Transnational Identity. Paper presenter atNNETESOL. Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, O. (March, 2021). Online Tutoring at the Writing Center during the Pandemic: Failures Followed by Successes. Paper presenter at the English Graduate Organization (EGO) Conference. Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, M and Yacoub, O. (January, 2021). Students’ Multitasking Practice During Zoom Classes. Paper presenter at University of California Writing Programs Conference. Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, M and Yacoub, O. (October, 2020). What Can Brain Research Tell Us About Teaching English as a Second orForeign Language? Paper presenter at Sunshine State TESOL (SSTESOL). Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, O. (April, 2020). Language Teachers’ Professional Identities Construction in Relation to Their PreviousLanguage Teachers’ Classroom and Pedagogical Practices. IUP Scholars Forum. Virtual Conference.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2019). Video narratives: Multiliteracies in Basic Writing Courses. Paper presenter at Language, Rhetoric, and Digital Publics: Making Space for All. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2019). Translation as a Translingual Practice: A New Approach for FYC Instructors. Paper presenterat Three Rivers TESOL Conference. Pittsburgh PA.
Yacoub, O. (January, 2018). Using Students’ Cell Phones in the Classroom. Paper presenter at IUP Technology Day.Indiana PA.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2018). International Students' Curriculum Perception and the Decrease or Increase of a Possible Writing Anxiety. Poster presenter at Three Rivers TESOL Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2017). Learning Vocabulary and Pronunciation Through Islamic Music. Poster presenter at ThreeRivers TESOL Conference. Pittsburgh PA.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2017). YouTubers are the Best English Teachers. Paper presenter at Three Rivers TESOLConference. Pittsburgh PA.
Yacoub, O. (November, 2016). Do high scores in TOEFL and IELTS writing sections indicate good writing? Paperpresenter at CATESOL Conference. San Diego, CA.
Yacoub, O. (October, 2016). To what extent do ESL Teachers in Egypt make use of technology in their large classrooms?Paper presenter at WATESOL Fall Conference. Washington, DC.